Category Archives: Frivolous law suits & claim

Electronic Filing Denied to Pro Se During National Emergency by a Federal Judge

Electronic Filing is denied by District Judge to Dr. Usha Jain during a national emergency and the Stay at Home order from COVID-19 in 2020.

 District Judge ignored unforeseen and exceptional circumstances during the pandemic and stay-at-home order due to COVID-19 and refused to grant electronic access which would have provided no risk of exposure to coronavirus. Federal Judge advised the Jains to submit the documents via US mail which required the Jains to go inside the post office, stand in line with the general public to get the correct postage from postal employees according to the weight of the document, and touch multiple surfaces not sanitized after each visitor. Thus, the advice of mailing increased the health risk to the Jains who are high risk as they are over age 70 with many comorbid conditions such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and high blood pressure. The CDC guidelines clearly identified life-threatening health risks for visiting public places including the US Post Office. The CDC also identifies the following as high risk: older people with diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease and CDC recommended preventing exposure … “to stay at home for a period of time.”  Thus, mailing instead of electronic filing significantly increases the health risks to pro se citizens over those who have hired legal representation and are thus allowed to file electronically.  The denial of the electronic mode of filing with zero exposure is frankly undeniable

Moreover, Federal Judge disregarded ADA guidelines and made the petitioner Mr. Jain with chronic pain deliver the documents for filing to the courthouse. Mr. Jain had to have surgery on his knee on August 3, 2021.

Also, when Mr. Jain could not walk and climb the stairs of the courthouse, Dr. Usha Jain had to close her emergency center to deliver the documents.

All of the above shows that a federal Judge is an Article III Judge and should not disregard unforeseen and exceptional circumstances of the global pandemic against CDC guidelines and disability against ADA guidelines. 

Denial of electronic filing during a state of emergency is a violation of Human Rights articles three and Seven.

Article 3

Right to life

Everyone has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 7

Right to equality before the law

The law is the same for everyone and should be applied in the same manner to all.

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Human rights are inalienable. They should not be taken away, except in specific situations and according to due process.

Reversal of Ruling due to Improper Notice of Evidentiary Hearing

The notice of evidentiary hearing should specifically mention the evidentiary hearing. If the hearing is only for the regular hearing and evidentiary hearing gets done, then that hearing should be invalid as one party only prepared for the regular hearing.

It is unjust to hold the evidentiary hearing when the notice of the hearing states only the regular hearing.

Unilateral presentation of the evidence by one party will prejudice the party seriously.

The case where the ruling has to be reversed because of the unjust presentation of the evidence by one party.

Dr. Jain’s case no 2016-CA-7260-O against Michael Furbush and Tom Wert.

The ruling of the hearing on June 5, 2017, with Judge Higbee.

Proactive Dr. Usha Jain against Morgan and Morgan Orlando

Suit filed by Ryan Morgan of Morgan and Morgan law firm which was for wage and hour.

The suit was a fee driven suit and did not have any basis. Many negligences and the most example was that he filed the suit on the company which did not even exist.

Attorney fee driven suits where attorney is so lazy that did not check the record before filing the suit. Attorney Ryan Morgan wasted time of the court by filing for the wrong party and later amended it.

Then he wasted further time of the court and tried to intimidate the self-representing litigant Dr. jain and Mr. Jain. Attorney Ryan Morgan thought he will collect the settlement from Dr. Jain and Mr. Jain.  When it was known to him that Dr. Jain and Mr. Jain will take him to jury, then he decides to drop the case.

He could not afford to pay the cost of the deposition etc.

Attorney Ryan worked for free for eight months for his own bad karma to bring the suit against the Jains. He also lost money from his pocket in filing the suit

Attorney fee driven frivolos suits should not be tolerated in the Court of Law specially in United States of America..

Dr. Usha Jain’s Mission Against Frivolous Law Suits Orlando

Dr. Usha Jain is an expert in anti-aging medicine and her mission is against the frivolous law suits which hurts the working citizen who are the production for the country.  This is how it works.

  1. A hotel employer gets sued for nonsense claim for wage & hour in Federal Court.
  2. Employer do not have a choice but to hire an attorney as it is a corporation.
  3. Plaintiff’s attorney feels that they got the jack pot so they can dig some gold without working.
  4. Many employers have to settle the claim even if they know that they were right.
  5. To fight a claim, you have to spend money on the attorney and take the stress.
  6. Productive citizen who did not do anything wrong becomes the victim of attorney’s filing of law suit.
  7. Claim gets settled even if the employer was right and the plaintiff’s attorney was wrong.
  8. Fee driven suits are the cause of harassment of working citizens and should not be tolerated.
  9. Dr. Jain defended two such law suits for her hotel in Orlando and Clermont.
  10. Dr. Jain was able to work hard and learn the rules and was able to represent herself in the Federal Court.
  11. Dr. Jain was able to get both claims for wage and hour dropped because Dr. Jain and Mr. Jain were right and paid the employee properly.
  12. Dr. Jain felt it was her mission was to stand the ground and not to settle and ultimately the attorneys dropped the claim.
  13. One claim was from Morgan and Morgan and Ryan Morgan was the culprit for nonsense claim.