Tag Archives: fake news president trump

Fake News by Amanda Ober of Wesh 2 News Orlando

Dr. Usha Jain is the director of the Emergicare Center and works seven days a week for treating the emergencies in the community. Amanda Ober tried to defame Dr. Jain by coming to her emergency center. Dr. Jain refused to talk to her as Dr. Jain was working. Amanda Ober gave the news about Dr. Usha Jain which was totally wrong. Amanda Ober gave the news of the hotel which is not even owned by Dr. Jain. Dr. Jain feels that her news was fake news and totally driven to defame Dr. Usha Jain by giving the wrong news about her.

ake news by Amanda Ober is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation  via  the news media and was with the intent to mislead  in order to gain financially by producing eye-catching  headlines  in order to increase readership and, in internet-based stories, online sharing.  In the latter case, profit is made in a similar fashion to clickbait and relies on ad-revenue generated regardless of the veracity of the published storyies.

Dr. Jain was determined to file the suit against her and channel 2 news but her commitment to the community is to serve the community and not running around in to the Court.

Beware of Amanda Ober’s fake news as it happenned in Dr. jain’s case and specially for President Trump.
